Here Is What People Have Said About Working With Colette...

"I was having extremely painful physical symptoms from Crohn's Disease. I had been dealing with these painful symptoms for well over a year. Colette encouraged me to look at food as a source of healing. I have also always followed a healthy, organic style of eating, but was not eating correctly to heal my small intestine. My biggest win was that my painful symptoms that I had every day for over a year changed within the first week. It will take some time for me to heal overall but I am out of bed and have energy back after 7 weeks."


"My sister knew I was suffering from a couple months of my auto immune disease being out of remission so she recommended Colette’s coaching services to me. When joining I had been having migraines, stomach pains and unhealthy bowel movements. I have my own healing practice, and tons of tools to work with these times in my life, but I needed some extra support. Colette was a great advocate; offering me some new food techniques to work with, goal setting, and also setting up reward feedbacks for following through on some harder behavior changes. With her advice, and my own continued healing journey explorations, I was able to get my disease back into remission and maintain it in that place even through some challenging life circumstances that would follow. Colette’s approach and perspectives for gaining new healthy waves is a great asset to anyone on their own gut health journeys!

Thanks for all your support!"


"I am very grateful to have had Colette’s guidance and help. I would recommend her to anyone needing, even simple ideas on life-changing habits.rough certain habits—eating, sleeping, and exercising. Colette was able to assess certain problem areas that I needed to work on. As she guided me through different steps and being mindful and curious about my eating habits, sleeping habits, and exercise habits, I was able to manage myself better and improve my life.

I am very grateful to have had Colette’s guidance and help. I would recommend her to anyone needing, even simple ideas on life-changing habits."


"Colette has an extreme wealth of knowledge regarding hormone balance and gut health. She has helped me understand the changes in my body I have been experiencing. The tools she provides are helpful and easy to incorporate in my daily life."


"I highly recommend Colette as a brilliant and effective health coach for anyone dealing with mold issues!"


"What Colette helped me uncover is that I have been sitting on a lot of stress that I was having dificulty working my way through it. The stress was likely causing my Cortisol levels to stay elevated, which was most likely making my weight loss plateau!"


"Colette is always very helpful. Once, when my mom was admitted to the hospital, she gave me advice on what to buy for her. My mom had several infections, both bacterial and viral. She had dengue fever, pneumonia, and UTI. Colette told me to get curious about probiotics, food high in Vit A, and sea moss which I did right away. To my surprise, she stayed in the hospital for only three days. My mom is in her early 70s, so I didn't expect her to recover so quickly, even the nurses couldn't believe it. We were so happy. It's been two months since then, and my mom is now feeling much better. I've learned a lot from Colette's videos and shared that knowledge with my mom. Colette is truly a blessing. I was able to manage my stress, and my sleep has improved. I hope you continue helping others feel better. Thank you so much for all your help and dedication!"


"So far, I'm doing good with my steps goal. Yes it's only been 4 days but that's almost 30,000 steps in 4 days compared to 20,000 steps ALL of last week! I decided to start with 7,000 steps a day. I have to be intentional to get them in but it's doable without much added stress. Being intentional with my movement has made eating well so much easier. I'm really grateful for the knowledge I've gained and for feeling this good. I'm doing daily journal entries so that I can refer back to how this feels when things get hard again."


"I thoroughly enjoyed the Vision Board party! Attending virtually from the comfort of my home, Colette's thought-provoking questions elevated my already well-thought-out goals for the year. This experience led me to make meaningful changes, and the impact resonated with me strongly throughout the entire year.

Colette possesses a wealth of information, and her ideas seem boundless. I look forward to the next one!"


"Am I perfect in my eating and workouts since working with Colette? No, of course not – no one is perfect. But I am certainly more mindful and thoughtful about how I’m taking care of myself and what I put into my body. And, for the first time all year, my candy shelf is empty and I’m finding more productive and healthful ways to give myself a little boost when I need it."

The above was just a section of an article that Lara wrote about working with Colette. Read the full article here.


"You're an amazing coach!! I've learned so much from you and feel so supported. ❤️"


"I love Colette's package! Videos I can go back and watch to remind myself of how to nourish my body as I age. I hadn't previously taken into account the importance of hormones and the fact that you can control them naturally through food.

The sheer number of great recipes she's shared is incredible. Something for every family. I intend to find around 12 that I can rotate weekly, because I want to set my whole family up for successful nutrition, as we are all looking for higher (healthy) protein meals."


"Just wanted to share my experiences with my Be Well Health Coach, Colette Chandler. There are so many positives from this program and Colette’s coaching, I will try to narrow them down to those that have impacted me the most. The information that I gained from Be Well Health was truly eye-opening. I had no idea regarding the correlation and reaction of my body to the foods that I was eating. This information was helpful beyond belief! However, information is only useful when presented in such a way that it is intriguing and makes you eager to learn more.

Colette is a skilled coach who possesses the passion and experience to convey and educate in a way that excites and encourages you to not only learn more but to explore the connections between food and your body. This is a great program and the personal touch that Colette provides is over the top. Thank you for this opportunity, definitely a life changer! I have lost 20 pounds."


"It was a pleasure meeting with you today... My 'aha moment' came from our discussion on leaky gut. In particular, how eliminating troublesome foods for a while helps, but then, reintroducing these problematic foods can eventually cause the problem to reoccur and /or get worse... Getting to the root cause is necessary so that it can be fixed to allow for a better quality of life as we age gracefully.😊"

Denise - Group Coaching Client

"Wow, did I pick an excellent coach in Colette! In just a few short months, I made HUGE progress in my life, including navigating COVID times, with the help of her coaching. She helped me reframe my thinking in such a profound way - it has changed my life! After I found a new positive way of thinking about various situations through Colette's coaching, I was able to stop seeing my therapist I saw for over three years.. I am so thankful I was led to Colette! Her kind demeanor shows through every session, and I never feel judged by her, no matter what I say. She points out things I don't explicitly see in myself and helps me to expand and apply those strengths to my daily life. I can't say enough good things about Colette's coaching."


"Before working with you I had more difficulties dealing with stress and anxiousness especially at night as I was trying to fall asleep. I had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep waking up several times during the night.

You gave me tools and smart goals in order to be kinder to myself and to realize that I can’t take so much upon myself. You gave me practical things to do in order to sleep (not being on my phone before bed, purchasing glasses to protect from blue lights, having a routine to get ready for bed, hot baths, and many more practical tips and strategies in order to quiet my mind and spirit in order to sleep more soundly as that was my biggest concern when we first started our sessions.

As our sessions continued you helped me so much with practical strategies to change my diet in order to strengthen my immune system and overall just to be more healthy and feel better.

I had never thought of setting smart goals and that was big for me Colette. It is very therapeutic to counsel with you as you ask thought-provoking questions, validate my response, and really listen as you use your skills and knowledge in order to help me help myself. You ask me questions like, “what happens to your immune system when you eat sugar?” and, “what can you do to remind yourself to keep these smart goals that you set for yourself?’. I told my husband I can hear Colette saying that to me and it reminds me not to eat that Christmas cookie or have that soda that’s easier to pour in my cup instead of squeezing a lemon and adding good water and stevia.

I would definitely recommend your coaching services to other people. I think you are very good at what you do and very knowledgeable. Thank you for all your help thus far and look forward to continuing our sessions."


Ready to begin your journey?

Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, NBC-HWC

Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach, FMCHC

Midlife Hormone Mastery Coach

"Helping women overcome hormone imbalance & gut issues naturally."

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