Ready to Feel Your Best?

► Gut Health

► Emotional Eating

► Hormones

► Mold Toxicity

► Habits

How can I help you?



I'll Show You How to Use Your Strengths to Make It Happen

I’m a Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach and a Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach, and a Midlife Hormone Mastery Coach. I educate people how to focus on their wins and use their internal strengths to help them release excess weight, sleep better, increase their energy, improve their mood, stop triggering from stress, and become healthier and happier.

I remember a time not long ago when I didn’t feel well. I had weight problems and health challenges. I had a poor gut health problem and had no idea of the root cause (mold and mycotoxins). So, I chased symptoms. To look at me I looked well, but I didn’t feel that way. I was eating the same things I always had, yet the foods I loved no longer loved me back, and then the sleepless nights came, the extra weight, fatigue, and the joint and muscle pain.

At first, I couldn’t figure out how to improve my sleep after and during menopause, but then I learned just what to do. My body was inflamed and I had to learn how to eat to reduce the inflammation and learn to eat to help balance my hormones. I had to also figure out how to increase my energy after 40 years old. I am happy to say I figured all this out.

To feel better, I had to let go of the “perfect” image I had of myself and just let myself heal. I had to release the emotions, thoughts and actions that got me where I was and learn to use my internal strengths to feel well and to be happier. Focus on my wins no matter how small they were. I had to be willing to step into a different version of myself and learn how to take care of my body after age 40. My body had changed and I need to feel empowered versus frustrated to take care of it so my energy could soar, my mood could stabilize, my aches and pains could diminish, my gut health could improve, and more.

How Am I Different?

  • I look at things from a root cause lens.
  • I help you to focus on your wins, no matter how small they are. I had clients with autoimmune diseases who came to me and their initial win was getting out of bed. Another client it was not eating when she was upset for one night. These wins add up and help you get to your goals and close the gap.
  • I help you with changing your habits and behavior with positive psychology. Who wants to feel guilty or bad while accomplishing their health goals? Not me. Who wants to be lectured? Not me either. This is why I don’t do either one of those things. I am trained in helping you move to the next level of your goals no matter what health goal you want to accomplish.
  • I focus on you. You are in the drivers’ seat. You know yourself better than anyone else. I don’t lecture you. I guide and support you sharing information you want to learn more about and providing the functional tools and guides you need to help you get to the next level. I want you to feel empowered not frustrated.
  • I’m here to walk alongside you and guide you so you don’t feel alone in your wellness journey. I want you to have someone knowledgeable, educated, and has the right functional tools to support you in your journey. Someone who is an expert in helping you get more motivated and change your own behavior so that you can experience vibrant health and wellness. All while using positive psychology, principles of functional nutrition and wellness.
  • I’ve walked in your shoes before. I can relate to many of the health challenges you are having from gaining weight the middle, to having no energy, to mood swings, cravings, emotional eating, to developing food sensitivities/allergies, gut infections, to not being able to stay asleep at night, to rashes, and more. I have had 4 rodeos with mold and mycotoxins and understand what it takes to get to the other side of it, plus what support you need while going through it.

And I am ready to help you get to the other side just like I did — without beating yourself up in the process.

That is why I started Be Well Health Coaching…to better educate you how to recognize unwanted symptoms that are related to hormone imbalances in women. help you balance your hormones and restore your gut and overall health naturally.

My unique approach and 5-step system is straight-forward and I know it will work for you as it has for my clients.

Ready to get on the right path? Take the first step to rebalancing your hormones, improving your gut health, and healing your mind and body. Schedule your free, initial consultation.

This free guide will help give you tools to help feel less stressed and anxious. It helps provide stress management for women. Many women I work with ask if stress causes hormonal imbalances, and it does contribute because cortisol can spike your blood sugar. This is part of the reason I created this guide.

Keeping your stress in check is important as stress can impact every aspect of your body negatively. We know it is impossible to get rid of every aspect of stress we have, but we know we can change our mindset and have tools in place that will help guide us to stay well. This is important because when our body stays stuck in that “fight or flight” mode (running from an imaginary bear), it can push down our immune system and make us more susceptible to being sick and longer-term health issues.

Healthy Aging For Women

Gain entry to this free report that unveils the top 10 strategies for slowing down the aging process in women while boosting energy levels. Whether you find yourself in your late 30s or 40s, this invaluable resource provides essential insights to proactively address aging, digestion, sleep, and energy concerns. Empower yourself to feel fantastic both in the present and the future by implementing these strategies.

Your High Protein Recipe Bundle

Here is a collection of 52, simple, high protein recipes that will make it easy to get in the right foods and meal prep as a champ.

Often times when you are trying to get more protein in your diet, it is hard to think how to do it. These 52 recipes with two accompanying sample meal plans and shopping list will help make getting more protein a breeze.

When you purchase this High Protein Recipe Bundle, you are receiving a cookbook with high protein recipes, plus a video that I made sharing with you tips, tricks as well as ideas of other foods that I love to use to help my hormones and gut and digestive health stay balanced.

Happy eating!


Gut Healthy Recipe Book – Recipes to Make your Hormones & Gut Happy

I have created 10 recipes and gut health meal ideas that are my favorites and make me feel amazing. This Gut Healthy Recipe Book is for you even if you don’t have a gut health problem. It is for anyone who wants to eat to feel their very best. By signing up for this free, mini cookbook, you'll be notified when I create new recipes.

Ready to begin your journey?

Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, NBC-HWC

Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach, FMCHC

Midlife Hormone Mastery Coach

"Helping women overcome hormone imbalance & gut issues naturally."

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